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Your training checklist

Always consider how you make a great experience for your client.


Making the process of scheduling the training, preparing for the session, session delivery and session feedback as smooth and efficient as possible plays a huge part in your ensuring your ongoing success.  

Here is some advice, tips and a checklist to help you get this right, every time:

Knowing your Client


Be sure you have all the necessary information about the client ahead of the day:

  • Key contact name and email

  • Confirm date and time of session

  • Any important info

    • i.e. is it hybrid – online/F2F, participant numbers, participant demographic



  • Send an invite template to the organisation that they can use internally to invite colleagues – see below

  • Organise a call with the customer to cover:



On-the-Day Logistics

  • Check date and times, address, who you ask for, parking etc.



  • You’ll need a Wi-Fi connection so ask about any firewalls and passwords

  • You’ll need a projector or monitor to display onto so ask about connections and adaptors

  • Check that someone will be available on the day to help set up/check that everything is working



  • Check how many you are expecting

  • Will anyone be doing an intro?

  • Understand the room setup


Anecdotal Content / Areas to Cover

  • Ask for any internal signposting they’d like you to add into your slides



  • Check if anyone will be joining virtually or will everyone be in the room


Avoidance of Topics or Material

  • Check if they’re happy for you to open the discussion on how menopause can be supported to gather ideas from those joining

  • Ask if there are any sensitive topics that you may need to avoid or approach delicately


Content Summary

  • Talk through the session content

  • Answer any questions


Delivery Considerations

  • Once you have all the information – consider what ice breakers and interactive elements you wish to bring into the session


    On the Day

  • Allow plenty of time to be there to allow you to setup and start delivery at the agreed time

  • Ensure that you have back up tech just in case (think about additional cables, chargers etc.)

  • Encourage questions and interaction wherever possible to help bring the content to life and engage your participants

  • If the organiser isn’t in the room, note down any suggestions and ideas around how menopause can be supported and share this back to the organiser following the session

  • Note down any additional signposting that you may need to follow-up depending on any questions you encounter

  • Record any relevant information that you may need to pass back to Menopause Workplace Training Network for review or questions to which you require an answer

  • Be sure to ask participants to complete your feedback questionnaire – this will provide great insight for follow up sessions


  • Always email to thank the organiser – if they weren’t at the session share a brief overview on how the session went and any key feedback as well as any additional signposting from questions in the session

  • Prepare and send them their certificate of participation

  • Be sure to sign-post organisers to additional training that you can provide (Manager/Colleague/Intro Session)

  • Ask for a testimonial that you can utilise in your marketing collateral or to leave a review on your LinkedIn or Facebook Business Page

  • Ask if your contact can make any referrals to contacts in their business network

  • If a client seems really keen on developing their menopause journey, why not introduce them to the Menopause Friendly Accreditation team

  • Share any key information or questions back to the Menopause Workplace Training Network team so we can help you where possible

    I have 2 emails that I want them to have access to here - do we want to put this as a PDFs? 

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