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About us


Here at Menopause in the Workplace we're changing the way that people think and feel about the menopause.


Our teams of Menopause Workplace Trainers are committed to our journey of making all employers menopause friendly. 

Why Menopause Workplace Training
 is critical and the value you'll add

We are dedicated to championing good work thawill improve the lives of people during their menopause. There are so many myths and so much misinformation around the menopause that the unbiased education and awareness that Henpicked provide is key.


Menopause effects 51% of the population directly, it indirectly effects everyone, whether through relationships, at work or personally so building awareness is critical. ·Creating the environment where anyone can talk about menopause openly and without embarrassment, brings this hidden subject out into the open so that it can be normalised.


We’ve seen that by opening up the conversation and ensuring the right support is in place this can make a real difference. In 2022 a study of 4,000 women aged 45-55 uncovered that 1 in 10 female workers left their jobs due to menopausal symptoms – it’s time to make a change for the better.


What it means to be a Menopause Workplace Trainer Licensed by Henpicked


As a Henpicked Licensed Trainer, you'll receive access to our collection of learning materials, training presentations and menopause resources. Following your trainer assessment process, you'll be granted a trainer license and will then be able to deliver our suite of CPD accredited learning materials to organisations across the UK.  


You’ll join a thriving community of licensed trainers who will all share your drive and desire to make an impact. This is your opportunity to make a genuine difference in people’s lives, as well as an opportunity to build your own business and earn an additional income.


Learn more about becoming a Henpicked Menopause Workplace Trainer here...
 Link to external page on Page Tiger 


The Henpicked Way 


It’s our vision to make all employers menopause friendly. Our mission is to make menopause an inclusive subject that no one is afraid or embarrassed to talk about. We commit to helping make organisations a great place to work and give employees the confidence to ask for help and support if they need it.


How we'll get there 


  • By instilling our passion into everything we do and sharing it with everyone we meet

  • Through delivery of non-biased, tried, tested and trusted content that’s pooled from experts in the field

  • By building mutually beneficial, service-led relationships and being trusted advisors to our customers

  • As professionals, we are industry leading in delivering quality menopause education



All trainers will agree to our Code of Conduct which outlines the way we do things. 




What clients say about our training...


Henpicked Menopause in the Workplace delivered an extensive package of Menopause training to all Marine Management Colleagues.  The team worked with us to tailor the training package for our corporate requirements.  Their patience, professional approach and humour whilst working towards this goal was second to none.  The first Line Manager training has received excellent reviews and was delivered in a professional, easy-going and articulate delivery style!  Thank-you Henpicked!


Niki Leach
Marine Management Organisation

“As an organisation with a high level of commitment to our staff’s wellbeing, with a significant number who will directly experience the menopause, making sure we developed menopause resources and support was a clear need.  Our wide range of toolkits, menopause themed wellbeing sessions and peer support have complimented our recently launched Staff Menopause Policy in our work to become a truly menopause friendly workplace.”

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Steve Knowles
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

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